How to Cancel Duplicate Birth Certificate
If you have more than one birth registration online, you must cancel the wrong or duplicate one. Know how to cancel duplicate birth certificate.

Many of us may have mistakenly done multiple birth registrations during the earlier handwritten birth registration system.
Many have registered their birth for the second time for no reason. Sometimes, we created new birth certificates when we lost old birth certificates. It can be seen that someone has registered 2 births at 2 addresses.
But, is that legal to create 2 or more duplicate birth certificates? This is illegal. Let’s know more about Duplicate Birth Certificates and How to solve the problem.
Is Duplicate Birth Certificate Illegal?
Yes, registering a birth certificate on false and wrong information, or duplicate birth certificate is prohibited by law. For this type of wrong information, you may be punished by law.
It was not possible to find the duplicate or wrong birth registration because of manual and handwritten data management.
Later these handwritten birth certificates were made online. So, if you have more than one birth certificate, you can find both birth certificates online now.
In such a case, check if you have duplicate birth registration here, birth certificate check. Then, apply for cancellation of duplicate and wrong entry of registration.
Cancellation of Duplicate Birth Registration
If a person has multiple or duplicate birth registration, an application can be made to the Registrar for cancellation.
You can easily apply for cancellation of your duplicate birth certificate online with just a few clicks. The process is shown below with pictures.
Birth Registration Cancellation Act
As per Section 15 of Birth Registration Rules 2018, one can apply for cancellation of duplicate birth registration.
In this case, the birth registration correction fee must be paid as per section 21.
Please see the Birth Registration Cancellation Act information in the below image.

Necessary Documents to Cancel Birth Registration
- Cancellation of birth registration will be required,
- 17 Digit Online Birth Registration Number which you want to cancel.
- date of birth
- Birth registration fee 100 taka
- Evidence of duplicate or multiple birth registration entries
How to Cancel Birth Registration Online
To cancel your duplicate birth registration, you have to submit an application online. Then submit the printed application and necessary documents to the office of the birth registrar (Union Parishad, Municipal Office and Councilor Office) within 15 days of the application.
Follow the steps below to fill up the birth cancellation application form,
1. Search and Find Your Duplication Registration
First, visit the link Certificate Cancellation Application. Then search the entry by 17-digit registration number and date of birth.

2. Select the Reason for Certificate Cancellation
Here, Select the reason for canceling the certificate. Finally, select the applicant as “Self” and submit the application.

Done. Now print the application form. If you don’t have a printer, save it as PDF from the print option. Or, you can save the screenshot of the Application ID and get it printed from any local computer service store.
Birth Certificate Cancellation Fee
Section 15 (2) of the Birth Registration Rules 2018 states that application for cancellation/amendment of birth registration shall be made with a prescribed fee. As section 21 of the rules does not mention any fee for cancellation of birth registration. So in this case Birth Certificate Correction Fee will be applicable.
Final Words
You must know whether you have multiple birth registrations. Now check your birth registration online If you have duplicate birth registration online.
Better if not. But if you see both available online, choose the one you need to cancel.
Cancellation of birth registration will require, 17 Digit Online Birth Registration Number, date of birth, birth registration fee 100 taka, and evidence of duplicate or multiple birth registration entries.
According to Section 21 of Birth Registration Rules 2018, the fee for amendment/cancellation of birth registration is Tk 100 and USD 2 abroad.
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